Dr. Christopher Dick
Dr. Christopher Dick absolvierte sein Diplom-Studium an der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln in dem Studiengang Sportökonomie und Management. Der Schwerpunkt seiner Diplomarbeit befasste sich mit der Mitgliederzufriedenheit in Tennisvereinen. Nach seinem Abschluss als Diplom-Sportwissenschaftler arbeitete Dr. Dick als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln am Lehrstuhl für Sportbetriebswirtschaftslehre, wo er zudem als externer Doktorand im Bereich Sportsponsoring erfolgreich promoviert hat und Autor mehrerer Fachpublikationen ist. Des Weiteren war Herr Dr. Dick in diversen Tennisvereinen in beratender Funktion sowie als Trainer aktiv tätig. Im Rahmen seiner Position als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachbereich "Sport & Management" der IST-Hochschule für Management übernimmt Herr Dr. Dick Aufgaben im Bereich der Lehre (Schwerpunkte u.a. Sportökonomie und Sportmarketing) sowie der Forschung (Schwerpunkte u.a. Sportsponsoring, Sportmarketing, Nachhaltigkeit im Sport).
Dr. Christopher Dick completed his degree in sports economics and management at the German Sport University Cologne. The focus of his diploma thesis was on member satisfaction in tennis clubs. After graduating with a degree in sports science, Dr. Dick worked as a research assistant at the German Sport University Cologne at the Chair of Sports Business Administration, where he also successfully completed his doctorate as an external doctoral candidate in the field of sports sponsorship. Furthermore, he is the author of several specialist publications in the field of sports management. Dr. Dick was active in various tennis clubs in an advisory capacity and as a coach. As part of his position as a research assistant in the “Sport & Management” department at the IST-Hochschule für Management, Dr. Dick is responsible for teaching (with a focus on sports economics and sports marketing) and research (with a focus on sports sponsorship, sports marketing and sustainability in sport).
Dick, C., & Uhrich, S. (2017). Ending a sponsorship relationship: consumers’ responses toward a forced versus a chosen exit. European Sport Management Quarterly, 17(2), 152-170.
Dick, C. (2018). Gradual vs entire sponsorship termination: how to manage the ending of a sponsorship engagement. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 19(4), 433-449.
Dick, C. (2019). The effect of the valence of sponsorship information on consumers’ attitudes toward the sponsor brand. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 20(4), 603-616.
Walzel, S., Dick, C., Brill, M., & Nowak, G. (2024). Sustainability communications via sponsorship: Potential, characteristics and managerial challenges. Sustainable Development (2024)
Walzel, S., Dick, C., Nowak, G., & Brill, M. (2023, November). Sustainable Sport Sponsorship–A Stakeholders’ Perspective. In 31 EASM European Sport Management Conference (pp. 176-177). European Association for Sport Management.
E-Mail: cdick@ist-hochschule.de